
Internet Safety Tip Guide: How to Avoid Risky Websites

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Staying safe on the internet should be a major priority for everyone with a technological device. When you go online, you open yourself up to all kinds of threats and predators.

Unfortunately, there’s not some big list out there that tells you all of the websites that you should and shouldn’t visit.

On the plus side, there are several internet safety tips that you can use in order to browse the web more safely. So keep on reading and we’ll show you everything that you need to know about avoiding risky websites.

  1. Use a Web Filter

A web filter is going to be the closest thing that you’ll get to a list of risky sites. However, instead of having to go through a whole list, the web filter software is just going to stop you from accessing those risky sites.

There are a lot of different web filters out there that you can download for free or pay for too. They’ll stop you and members of your family from going to any shady sites.

Most filters have varying levels of blocking power. So you can block all sites that appear to be unsafe or just certain kinds of sites, like gambling or adult sites. You can also block all sites that fall under a certain category that’s deemed dangerous.

In fact, the majority of search engines provide the option to avoid dangerous sites by turning on a “safe search.” For example, you can block certain search results with SafeSearch by Google. This feature works for all video and image searches, as well as general search content and even news.

Also, some DNS services will support web filters. They can be used through a router and help make sure that you avoid risky sites on the whole network. You can also use web filtering software on certain devices, like just on your computer or phone.

Some free and public DNS servers support web filtering to block porn, known malware sites, ads, and more

A lot of parents will use web filters to make sure that their children are only using sites that are appropriate for their ages. However, people of all ages should use web filters in order to make sure that they’re protected on the web.

  1. Don’t Guess the Address of a Website

This is one of the main ways in which people end up on risky websites. Scammers on the internet will buy domains that are very similar to popular websites. They’ll then fill these sites with spam in hopes of infecting people’s computers.

If you’re not totally sure about how to spell the URL for a website that you want to visit, then you should search for it with a reputable search engine.

If you happen to type in an incorrect URL, you’ll either end up on a non-existent site or a fake site. It can be very dangerous if you try to go to your bank’s website or an email account but end up at the wrong site. These fake sites might trick you into giving sensitive information if you think you’re on a legitimate page.

  1. Never Open Questionable Sites

If you’re in doubt, don’t click. If you get sent a URL in an email or text, even if it’s from an account you trust, you need to be very careful. If the link looks like it’s mainly composed of random letters and numbers, it’s probably a spam site.

Remember, your friends and coworkers can get hacked. Hackers can then send you fake sites, disguising themselves as your friends, and tricking you into getting spammed.

If you ever do end up on a site and it seems to be laggy or you get a general bad vibe, you should trust your instinct. Fake websites tend to be shoddily made by people who don’t really understand the local language and are just trying to cause you harm.

  1. If It’s Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

Most of the time, good websites will offer regular content. This could include articles, videos, music, images, what have you.

However, some websites will offer you things that are either exceptional or illegal. If that’s the case, and it seems like they’re promising you something that’s too good to be true, then you should quickly exit the site.

For example, if a streaming site is offering to stream a movie that’s still in theaters, or isn’t even released yet, then you’re definitely on a dangerous site. These sites use illegal files and could contain viruses. Anywhere you click on the site could lead your computer to become infected.

If a website is letting you buy drugs or weapons without proper approval, then this is also a sketchy site and should be avoided. You should also never give personal or financial information to a site unless you absolutely know it’s legitimate and necessary.

The Importance of Knowing How to Avoid Risky Websites With This Internet Safety Tip Guide

Hopefully, after reading this internet safety tip guide, you now have a better idea of how to avoid risky websites. If you don’t avoid risky websites, you could end up compromising your devices and your personal information. You could even end up infecting your friends and family too.

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